Writing a brief for developing/ improving a website – how to help your website designers

posted in: Training description 0

Target Audience:

Anyone who wants a website or thinking about improving a current website


90 mins


60 mins presentation, 30 mins Q&A



Minimum Number:

5 students

Maximum Number:

30 students


“Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO)” Wilf Hey


The most important phase when designing or redesigning a website is the briefing that you give to your website designers. If you are able to clearly identify your needs, your target audience and your objectives, you are much more likely to have a site designed that does all those things. 


For a small website, the brief may simply be that you want to have a public presence that grows and that your target audience is eg male, 50s, living rurally. 


For larger websites, you may have content that users need to be able to access quickly and simply, you may have multiple types of user groups and so on. The more information you can give your website design team, the better the site will be. 


This course takes you through a website brief and identifies why each section to it is important.